Who can apply?
- Registered Charities
- Unincorporated Charities
- Community Interest Companies
- Community Groups providing they have a constitution and produce accounts
- Not-for-profit organisations
The Trust Supports
Requests for funding will be clearly of direct benefit to disadvantaged children and young people under 18 or with a disability under 25.
Trustees/Directors are keen to support local projects and particular areas of interest include:
- Disabled children and young people
- Looked after children and young people
- Looked after children and young people leaving care
- Young Carers
- Disadvantaged children and young people
The Trust Does Not Support
- Organisations/Projects with an annual income over £250,000 per annum
- Organisations/Projects with unrestricted reserves of more than 6 months operating costs
- Political organisations
- Medical treatment or research
- Applications from individuals
How to apply
Grant Application Forms can be downloaded from our website www.middlemore.org.uk or requested via e-mail
We would prefer completed application forms to be returned via e-mail however if you are unable to return via this method hard copies can be posted to the Trust Administrator, PO Box 7228, Stourbridge DY8 9FZ.
Rejected applications cannot be resubmitted within a 12-month period without substantial additional information.
An evaluation report must be completed at the end of the funding period. Failure to complete the report will result in the organisation being unable to apply for any further funding until the completed evaluation report has been received.